This is where glory is found. Your life meant nothing before this.
But first, this is how it all works!
Musicians will gather at Klockow Brewing on Thursday, April 18, at 6 p.m. You’ll put your name and your preferred instrument on a slip of paper, where it will be drawn randomly to assign people to their band. Being random, you could have a well-rounded ensemble, or you could be three drummers just trying their best to make a song. From there though, you will have 48 hours (or two days in layman’s terms) to write three songs (or up to 10 minutes of music) that will be performed at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 20. You will be playing for legions of adoring fans, as well as three surly and sarcastic judges.
The victors will win a prize and have crazy bragging rights.
But before glory, immortality, etc. etc. can be achieved, there are a few ground rules. First off, the judges will be scoring you all on:
Bandiness (you know, the well-known word for how good you play together)
Stage Presence
Participation (everyone in the band needs to pull their weight)
Your band name and song names
And of course the X-factor. Does your band have, what the French say, that certain something?
As far as the performance itself on Saturday, the rules are thus:
Don’t suck
No covers
No biting or kicking
STRICT 10 minute turn over between sets. If you can’t move stuff on or off in a timely fashion, don’t bring it.
Your set is expected to be 10 minutes, though not exceeding that amount of time.
The winner will perform their set again at the end of the night!
Starting band will be drawn at random, and all bands MUST be present by 6 p.m. on Saturday. Each band must be ready to load onto the stage during the performance of the band preceding them.
To assist with loading equipment on and off the stage, musicians are encouraged to use the house gear, which includes a drum set, guitar amp, bass amp, and two microphones.